Our School Uniform
All children at our school should wear school uniform. We believe a uniform looks smart and contributes to a feeling of belonging to our school community. It also helps when children go out on educational visits to identify them as representatives and ambassadors of our school.
All uniform items can be purchased from www.nationwideschooluniforms.co.uk. We also have some good quality second hand uniform available – contact the school for more details. The Spilsby School Uniform bank also often has items.
Please ensure that all belongings, including shoes and bags are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Grey or black skirt/grey pinafore dress (close to knee length)
Blue & white gingham dress
Grey or black trousers/smart school shorts (not jeans, leggings or sports shorts)
White polo shirt/shirt/blouse
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without school logo)
Flat black school shoes/sensible black boots (no trainers - footwear must have an appropriate, sensible heel)
Tights should be black or grey
Either a red, green, blue or yellow team polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Black shorts/skort
Footwear for indoor and outdoor PE (e.g. plimsolls and trainers)
Tracksuit for outdoor P.E.
Please note: Football/team kit is not permitted.
For safety reasons, jewellery is not to be worn in school.
Children with pierced ears may wear one pair of studs in the lobes ONLY, which must be removed or covered for PE lessons. . No other piercings are allowed. Please do not allow children to have any piercings during term time, as this causes problems when they need to keep them in.
Long hair must be tied back for school.
Children should not wear make-up, nail varnish or temporary transfer tattoos for school unless it is for a special school event (e.g. Children in Need, Christmas Party Day etc.) or as part of religious celebrations.