Our Values
Striving for excellence together in a caring Christian community
At our school, we believe in the importance of promoting the Christian values that help to make our school distinctive and which underpin our ethos. We explore these values through Collective Worship, within our lessons and in the everyday life of the school. Our core values of “Respect, Compassion and Courage” are especially important to us and we strongly recognise the importance of living through these values, which in turn promote British Values.
Our school’s vision and mission statement (Striving for excellence together in a caring Christian community) has at its heart our Christian ethos and our desire to see everyone grow and develop as part of a caring community.
“Love each other like brothers and sisters. Give your brothers and sisters more honour than you want for yourselves.” Romans 12:10
We accept that we are all different.
We listen when someone is speaking.
We mean it when we apologise.
We treat each other as we would like to be treated.
We talk care of our school.
We talk kindly to each other.
“Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32
We help others.
We are kind without being asked.
We try to forgive others.
We never leave others to feel left out.
We support local and national charities.
We include others when we play
“Be careful. Continue strong in the faith. Have courage and be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13
We strive for excellence.
We learn from our mistakes.
We are not afraid to try.
We never give up.
We always try our best.
We make the right choices, even when it is hard.
Our School Council asked members of our school community how we demonstrate our school’s vision and values. Here is what they found out:
“At Harvest festivals, people bring in food which goes to help other people.” (child)
“School have a strong emphasis on the three core values that are embedded within the children from the minute they enter the school family. Children understand what these values mean and how to display these.” (parent)
“We help each other if we are stuck on finding something hard. We never leave anyone left out and we also respect one another and the school rules.” (child)
“Respect is shown by manners and thinking of others and their feelings in and out of school.” (staff)
“People are caring.” (child)
“The teachers teach us how to learn. They sometimes make things hard to challenge us!” (child)
“Learning is made fun, hands on and interesting. Children are challenged appropriately for their academic ability. Children are given home learning to encourage parental input into their learning. Curriculum coverage sheets are sent home termly to inform parents of their upcoming learning to keep parents informed and feel a part of their children’s learning. Children are encouraged to be independent learners.” (parent)
“We raise money for charities. Some of those are near us and help people at our school.” (child)
“My friend who is scared of heights was asked to climb a tree in PE and he didn’t want to do it, but his friends kept shouting, ‘Come on, you can do it!’ and he was brave and he did climb the tree!” (child)
“In our class we show compassion be helping others with our work. If someone is not sure about something, we guide them through it. An example is when a boy who I sit next to struggled with his work and found it hard to understand what the question meant. I showed compassion towards him by helping him understand the question so he could work out the answer.” (child)
“Having positive role models and such strong values, along with parental support, helps any young person to be a good person. Children leave Burgh School with the best start in life” (parent)
“Adults tell us to try our best and let us take our time.” (child)
“We are motivated by adults to try hard and never give up!” (child)
“All of the school staff are good role models and our involvement with the local Church community gives a good example to the children of how to demonstrate Christian values.” (staff)
“Teachers accept mistakes and move on and help us to correct them.” (child)
“Teachers keep an eye on us and make rules to keep us safe, as well as giving us healthy school meals and encouraging us to eat healthily.” (child)
“Supported by adults within the class, children are encouraged to try things independently followed with appropriate praise making children feel proud.” (parent)
“They [adults] always help people if they don’t understand, as well as teach in a fun way to help us remember our learning.” (child)
“Courage is shown by doing something that you wouldn’t normally do or are a bit worried about but still have a go.” (staff)
“For snack we eat fruit. Well, not me – I don’t like fruit. Teachers keep us safe and we learn about healthy diets.” (child)
“We show compassion by caring for our friends and family and not laughing when they hurt themselves.” (child)
“My children have always felt safe whilst at school and have always been happy to go right from the very start. They are happy so I know they feel safe. Healthy bodies and minds are promoted and a range of physical education in both PE lessons and after school clubs are provided.” (parent)
“Our values help give us a good education.” (child)